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Girl Thang Conference is a ministry for junior high and senior high school girls. We believe that God has a greater purpose for these young ladies and that we are to pour into them like He pours into us.


Our ministry is primarily run by college-aged women who are eager to encourage young girls. It is cool to us to know that God doesn't need us, yet He WANTS to use us for this purpose. The world has such unrealistic standards and these girls, like so many before them, have fallen into its trap. We want to be of the world and feel apart but we know God has separate standards, the right standards.


Our desire is to help these girls in their daily walk and show them what it looks like to embody the Christ-like mindset as a woman. There are so many amazing Godly men in the Bible, but what about the women He placed before us like Mary, Esther, Ruth, Martha, Rachel, and Sarah? He had a plan and mission for each one of them.


We look forward to diving into the word with these girls and learning from them as well.  We wish we had something like this at their age, and we are excited to see how God will continue to use this ministry.

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